
Pamela Anderson

Pamela Anderson

I am PAMELA ANDERSON and I am the Lady’s Personal Assistant. It’s a very important job. I welcome all the new ponies and tell them not to be afraid anymore because this is a good place. I taught Frances how to walk on a lead rope when she first came here. If a pony gets very sick and has to be put to sleep I stay with her until it’s all over. Then I comfort the Lady, who gets very upset.

I adopted a little foal called Ella who came just after Christmas one year and minded her through the winter. I taught her how to eat and made milk for her. Once I stopped a fight when 2 boy ponies arrived by getting in between them. 

I got laminitis at the end of 2020 and my feet were very sore so I’ve been on rehabilitation since then and they’re almost right now.

I am the boss of all the ponies and everyone does as I say. The Lady says I am a remarkable little pony.

Watch Pamala Anderson in Action